Concluding Post


Throughout the whole, Creative technologies- PERSPECTIVE class, I felt as though my knowledge behind everything discussed deepened and I became a lot more intrigued on how things were made and advanced throughout the years. It lead me to research topics in my own time- even the topics not assigned to my group because I either had no idea what they were or very little knowledge within the field.

Even though we were placed into groups and given a selected topic I felt as though I gained a mass of knowledge across all subject from the in-depth research completed by my class mates. We all put a lot of effort into the research and presentation elements to provide the whole class with the knowledge we had learnt ourselves.

I’ve learned a lot to do with how we can communicate our ideas a lot easier to the target audience using technology. Weather it be computer softwares or creating a short film or animation, I feel a lot more comfortable and in-control of how I am now going to organise and perform my presentations to promote my product. I can now understand how and what is best used to suit what context and aim promotions straight to the customers that could be potential buyers.

This class expanded my knowledge with everything, as I had very little before this class started. It showed me how to look more in depth into a topic and how to communicate the information I gathered to other people. It has also made me a lot more confident in public speaking as I am terrified of talking in front of my peers.

Banner (Photo)- On Unitec Moodle Page 2017- only accessible to people within the class.

Perspective Summit

For the Perspective Summit our class researched a wide range of topics, and presented back to the class our findings. The following topics were:

  • Web & The Media
  • Multimedia & Technology
  • Visual Language & Technology
  • AI
  • Interactive Design
  • Tech & The Media
  • Mobile Software

The three technologies I am going to highlight are Multimedia & Technology, Mobile Software and AI (Artificial Intelligence). Personally for me, the most impressive will always be the forever evolving Artificial Intelligence. The definition is constantly changing and so is the context. AI is a computer based software that can think and act like a human, even producing the same behavioural aspects. For me, the amazement of it is that it is self learning and sufficient. The group covered how it drives a new generation of practitioners, powers businesses and product management. It also has made a massive improvement in our daily lives and nutrients for our daily life. AI will help me within my chosen career as it can understand/ advance the quality of a product and actually communicate instantly with customers. AI can even take someone else’s design and personalise it, making it more practical, cost efficient and directly target the customer’s needs.

The scary thing about this now, is that the AI and robots that have been created using AI have developed skills by themselves including deceiving and cheating. This is a problem for the creator’s is the loss of control they have over the fact and fiction the robots are communicating. This means they could disagree with their creators and make up their own decisions meaning they could become out of our control.

The next is Mobile Software. Mobile software is what my group covered but the amazement for me was how much we can actually use our phones instead of communicating verbally. Now that all Smartphone’s are available to downloading apps, we can now talk to friends, order food, online shop and travel through our phones meaning there is little to no reason for actually leaving the house. We can all become so dependant on one little thing- that we actually don’t need the human contact as long as we have our phones. For me, this was the scariest topic. Within my group, I uncovered the scary stuff to do with mobile software. This then lead me onto the Location Services Setting on our Smartphone’s. With this turned on; anyone who knows how can access our information and literally pinpoint where we are on the globe.

This first started off using cell towers. If your phone has service, it’s connected to the closest cell-tower to your location. This was used to also pinpoint locations. Your phone would connect to the tower and a new location would be added to your location services history that anyone online could view. It also gives an estimate on how far away you are from the cell tower and also facing which way (North, South, East or West).

After hackers started to discover this information supplied by the phone user, this lead on to a mass of burglaries, assaults, and false convictions of crimes of people being placed at the wrong place, wrong time.

The Multimedia and technology group gave me a massive insight on how to develop and manage online graphics and content. How to use video and animation through my presentations to make them more interesting and also understanding Interactive computer based applications. After being showed and example on Flight Simulation and the computer software involved I feel as though this is an area of practice I’d really like to get into. Actually being able to connect your audience and buyers to the product allows them to connect with it emotionally as well as physically leading us to believe they are truly interested in the product. The group showed a few images on how Pilots learn to fly and the software they use. It is almost Virtual Reality software that allows the pilot to actually fly the plane using visual flying maps and game consol controls. I believe this really connects the buyer to the product and will remember this for future presentations.


Perspective- Team 3

downloadTeam 3- Future of Content

Moot: Customised content will improve productivity and provide characteristic information. However, it will cause us to be less independent.

As I was absent for this group, I have followed their PowerPoint and have started my own sense of research about the Future of content. The first thing I discovered through ‘How John Deer uses marketing to Educate his Customers’ is that as we are artists we need to give an accurate, un-bias source of information straight to our target audience.

Current content in technology really struck to me as the Internet can now make recommendations to myself based on my previous searches. Google or whatever platform of web I am using creates recommendations due to my Internet viewing patterns and past searches, allowing me to get the best and closest results to the content I am looking for. I see the group above (Team 3) have also looked into this and used the programme Coursera as an example. This is a simple site asking basic questions to the viewer. Once answered the programme will sort out and arrange my data or content into the best fields of work I should be placed in according to my answers. This also works for apps or websites such as Pinterest and Facebook, both showing who and what we should be looking at based on previous searches.

Marketing content is the strategic marketing approach of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to defined audience. It allows marketers to get their products out to the correct audiences fast and efficiently in order to make the sales. ‘Instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer more intelligent’.

As I was absent for the discussion following I am going to create my own. I agree with the moot as the group believes we will receive the relevant information but we didn’t learn or come up with the idea ourselves- therefore yes- being less independent. I believe this is a forever-expanding realm of work that will change as time goes on and content becomes greater from knowledge. The only problem is by handing people the information; they stop looking for it themselves.

Benson, J. 2016, Jan 15. Why Radio?

Content Marketing Institute. 2017. Getting Started.



Perspective – Team 2



Copy of Theme Team 2 – Technological Realities

Team 2- This was my group for Perspective.

The topic given to our team was Augmented and Virtual Reality (Technological Realities). To start this topic I really had to research because I barley knew anything about the two. I had some previous experience with virtual reality as my Aunt works in animation and was designing her own world. Even though I had nothing to do with the design aspect I was there to watch the progress and understand how virtual realities are made.

To start off, I really researched the growth and main uses for virtual and augmented reality from the past two years. My job within the group was to connect this straight back to our local context. As both AR and VR are relatively new globally, there were only a few that we could relate to in New Zealand. The first AR to skyrocket in New Zealand was the app Pokemon Go. This was a global phenomenon that became obsessive to its players. Allowing us to walk around in our own communities and find the hidden Pokemon.

The next, which I really talk about within my speech/notes attached above was “The Green Fairy” by Aljendro Davila. Davila created New Zealand’s first Virtual Reality film although he’d never attempted anything like this before. His aim was to target young audiences, to educate and evolve the children into the film itself. The children reacted as he had wanted. Reaching out to grab things, walking around on the spot, and even trying to communicate and talk to the characters.

This was a massive investment opportunity to a lot of promoters and businesspeople wanting to get involved within this industry. It is estimated that by the end of 2017 most of our real estate in NZ will be performed or shown off using VR and AR and also a lot of our filmmaking and online shopping.

I have learnt so much from this process. I feel as though I had little-no knowledge in this area of works and can now talk about it comfortably. Finding out how far both AR and VR have come in the past two years makes me think what it will like in the future and how often it will become one with our daily lives. Doing this as a group really helped as well, because by splitting the group into different research mediums we were able to cover nearly the whole field of AR and VR today and where it will most likely go within our futures.

Carr, T. 2016, July 12. The Green Fairy- A New Zealand Made Story In Virtual Reality.

Greer, J-B. 2016, June 28. We’re Beating Weta, How Cool Is That.. New Zealand First Reality Film.

GRAIZ. 2015, Oct 21. The Future of Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Holly, R. 2017, March 23. This is the Difference Between AR and VR.

Perspective – Team 5

21947950_sTeam 5-

Moot: In the near future, there would be no need for humans in the workplace for we would be replaced by technology.

This group presented very well for the topic given. I felt as though this would have been one of the hardest topics to do, as you would have to put your own opinion to one side and actually look at the facts.

This moot was agreed and disagreed around the table. For some that agreed, their reasoning was that we as humans, get physically and emotionally tired and robots don’t. This means factories or shops could run 24/7 and the workers not be affected or tired. This would also mean that no one would be late, or couldn’t call in sick to work. They also argued it would be a lot safer for us humans. E.g. A nightshift worker at a gas station couldn’t get harmed during a robbery.

The disagreed discussion was more focused on what humans have that robots don’t. We have empathy and emotion, so because of this we would still need humans to be therapists or similar jobs. Humans are also very creative, so for movie making, art development, building design, interior design, this would all need to be performed by humans.

Over all, yes- majority of jobs, like factory or construction hand, these could be easily replaced by robots.

Davis, S. 2016, March 30. The Rise and Rise of the Robotic Workforce.